Full Stack JavaScript

Full Stack Mean Technogoly

Idea of using JavaScript on both client and server side language is great help. We at Krtya gain enormous expertise working on client side JavaScript such as JQuery, AngularJS, ReactJS, Backbone etc.

With new Service side JavaScript framework, we have been developing full stake web application using JavaScript stake.

Team expertise on Server side JavaScript framework includes Node.JS, ExpressJS, Restify, and Meteor.

What is MEAN.JS?

MEAN.JS could be a full-stack JavaScript resolution that enables you develop quick, robust, and reparable Web applications by using MongoDB, Express, AngularJS, and Node.js.

The key components are

  • MongoDB (Database)
  • ExpressJS (Web Framework)
  • AngularJS (Front-end Framework)
  • NodeJS (Application Server)

MEAN stands for


MongoDB is the leading NoSQL databases, empowering business agencies to be additional agile and ascendible


Express could be versatile node.js internet application framework, providing a sturdy set of options for developing multi-page, single-page and hybrid web application.


AngularJS allows you to expand HTML glossary for your application. The ensuing atmosphere is awfully communicatory, readable, and fast to develop.


A platform which is built on Chrome's JavaScript runtime for without difficulty constructing speedy, scalable community packages.

Why To Choose Krtya Software for Mean Full Stack Development?

Krtya Software is one of the leading MEAN Stack development company. We use Mean stack development technology for the adavancement in developing Web application and websites which will reflect your business more effective. Our Fully Skilled and trained Mean Stack Developers are ready to accept the challenge and capable of making websites that represent your business.

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